Planning for our 2025 season has begun!
We will be updating our website over the next few months with more information.
New for this 2025 season!
We have partnered with Challenger Sports to bring one of their skills camps to Elliot Lake!
The Elliot Lake Soccer Camp will take place from Monday August 11th to Friday August 15th on the fields at ELSS. The camp is open to players aged 6 to 15 years old. Full and half day participation available. Register for the camp now to take advantage of an early bird discount. Click the link below for more information, including how to register your player(s) for this one week camp.
Click here to download the Foundational Skills Camp Flyer
ELMSA 2025 Registration.
Registration for our 2025 soccer season has not started yet.
Information on how to register will be posted mid February. Please check back with the website then.
Can my 2-turning-3 year old play soccer?
ELMSA recognizes that kids develop at their own pace, and a month or two can make a difference for when they reach various milestones. We rely on the fact that parents and guardians know their two-turning-three year olds better than we do.
If your child can listen to a coach and follow instructions, chase and kick a ball, and would enjoy belonging to a team; then consider signing them up.
There is a wide range of ability in our U5 division. Some players actively chase the ball and want to score a goal. Others are happy to run around the field with friends not too sure what they should be doing. There are others who are more interested in the flowers and bugs on the field. Be happy with whatever your kid does, knowing that they will continue to learn and grow over time, and will improve over the years.
Coaches are needed!
Volunteers are an important part of our soccer season. We always need people to volunteer as coaches, and for positions on the executive. Please use the Contact Us section of this website to let us know if you would be willing to volunteer this season. You can also send an email to
U8, U11 and U14 Divisions
All jerseys used by U8, U11, and U14 teams must be returned. Unfortunately we have not been able to find local sponsors who are able to buy new jerseys each season for our teams. ELMSA needs to use jerseys for several seasons to keep our costs low. Jerseys can be returned at Collins Hall during normal hours of Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Please return your jersey as soon as possible to help keep soccer affordable for all.
U5 Division
Tim Horton’s continues to be a very generous sponsor to ELMSA. They supply the entire U5 division with jerseys, shorts, socks, and soccer balls. They have also asked us to allow the players to keep their uniform as they plan to supply us again next year with new uniforms and balls. Please remember to thank Nancy Wyman, Erin Brunelle, and their staff the next time you are in our local Tim Horton’s.
Soccer is held on the fields next to the Elliot Lake Secondary School.
It runs on Mondays and Wednesdays during the season starting in late May and ending in early July.
The younger players will be on the field from 6 to 7pm. The older players practice from 7 to 8 pm.
What do players need to participate?
All players will need soccer shoes, shin guards, and comfortable shorts for running.
A team jersey will be provided by your player’s coach on the first night.
We also have a bin of donated shoes for players who have had trouble finding soccer shoes.
Please feel free to donate any equipment your players have outgrown.
A note about parking at ELSS
The school board is asking that we not park on the grass at ELSS. Parking and driving on the grass wrecks the property and costs money to repair. Our Fees will increase and our permit for use of the field may be revoked if this continues. Please park only in the spaces provided for that purpose.
Thank you!
Elliot Lake Minor Soccer is a not-for-profit non-competitive fun league. We encourage participation, skill development, and most of all - fun.
We provide an opportunity for kids to belong to a team, be active, and hopefully make friends while working together with other players to accomplish team objectives. Game results and team standings are not kept. There is no playoff series at the end of our season.
The players are divided into 4 age groups:
ages 3-5, ages 6-8, ages 9-11, & ages 12 and up.
They play on 3 different sized fields at Elliot Lake Secondary School.
The Coaches and Executive members are all volunteers.
Our funding comes mostly from registration fees with occasional donations from our sponsors.
Website developers, please note the following:
We have no budget hire anyone to look after our website. We have no budget for website improvements. If you have suggestions for our website that do not involve being financially compensated; please feel free to send us a detailed email of your suggestions for our executive’s consideration.
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